Der Wauzi-Film - Die Jagd nach dem Zauberknochen
Pierre DeCellesSchauspieler:
Nancy Cartwright, Robbie Lee, Greg Berg, Ruth Buzzi, Cathy Cavadini, Ryan Davis, Joey Dedio, Ashley Hall, Brennan Howard, Janice Kawaye, Alwyn Kushner, Jasper Kushner, Tony Longo, Hal Rayle, George RoseDer Bösewicht Marvin MacScheußlich hat den sagenhaften Zauberknochen gestohlen. Dieser Knochen hat die wunderbare Eigenschaft, Menschen-, Hunde- und Katzenkinder einander verstehen zu lassen. Zampano und die anderen Wauzis aus dem Tierheim haben den Diebstahl beobachtet und verfolgen die Ganoven, um diese einmalige Kostbarkeit zu retten. Dabei müssen sie einige Abenteuer bestehen…
On a magical artifact called the Bone of Scone, that gives "Puppy Power" to the Pound Puppies and Pound Purries. However, a villain named Marvin McNasty plans to take it and use it for world domination. Without the Bone of Scone, humans will not understand what the animals are saying and, if it is broken, Puppy Power will forever be lost.
On a magical artifact called the Bone of Scone, that gives "Puppy Power" to the Pound Puppies and Pound Purries. However, a villain named Marvin McNasty plans to take it and use it for world domination. Without the Bone of Scone, humans will not understand what the animals are saying and, if it is broken, Puppy Power will forever be lost.