Der Wendepunkt
Riccardo AntonaroliSchauspieler:
Andrea Lattanzi, Brando Pacitto, Ludovica Martino, Chabeli Sastre González, Claudio Bigagli, Marcello Fonte, Cristian Di Sante, Tullio Sorrentino, Filippo Contri, Max Malatesta, Grazia Schiavo, Bruno PavoncelloEin Faulpelz, der Konfrontationen nach Möglichkeit vermeidet, freundet sich mit einem gefährlichen Gauner an, der sich plötzlich in sein Leben drängt.
A slacker who does his best to avoid confrontation strikes up an unlikely friendship with a dangerous thug who suddenly forces his way into his life.
A slacker who does his best to avoid confrontation strikes up an unlikely friendship with a dangerous thug who suddenly forces his way into his life.