Der Wolf - Tote Hunde beissen nicht
Alexander EikSchauspieler:
Bjørn Floberg, Trond Espen Seim, Endre Hellestveit, Kyrre Haugen Sydness, Andreas Cappelen, Hallvard Holmen, Kai Remlow, Robert Skjærstad, Siv Klynderud, Rebekka Karijord, Sampda Sharma, Maria Galinka Henriksen, Asta Busingye Lydersen, Niklas Gundersen, Kathrine Lunde MackenzieAuf den rechten Politiker und Vorstandskandidaten Einar Bergene wird ein Mordanschlag verübt, der fehlschlägt und stattdessen seine Frau tötet. Auch Einars Konkurrentin um den Parteivorsitz, Marit Holm, fühlt sich bedroht und bittet Varg Veum um Personenschutz. Der Privatdetektiv hat Zweifel, willigt aber schließlich ein und gerät damit in einen Dschungel politischer Intrigen und Verschwörungen, deren Skrupellosigkeit beispiellos ist.
Racial tension is running high in Bergen after a young black asylum seeker dies at the hands of the police. Shortly afterwards, a right-wing politician is targeted by a gunman at a public rally, and his wife is fatally wounded. The Party is about to hold a leadership election. One of the candidates, Marit Holm, comes to Varg Veum, insisting she is being stalked. Varg is drawn into a web of conspiracy and betrayal at the heart of the political establishment, in which spin doctors and political players will do anything to achieve their ends.
Racial tension is running high in Bergen after a young black asylum seeker dies at the hands of the police. Shortly afterwards, a right-wing politician is targeted by a gunman at a public rally, and his wife is fatally wounded. The Party is about to hold a leadership election. One of the candidates, Marit Holm, comes to Varg Veum, insisting she is being stalked. Varg is drawn into a web of conspiracy and betrayal at the heart of the political establishment, in which spin doctors and political players will do anything to achieve their ends.