Der Zweite Hochzeitstag
Thadd TurnerSchauspieler:
Kayla Ewell, Ryan Merriman, Sarah Minnich, Catharine E. Jones, Catherine Haun, Thadd Turner, Chris Ranney, Merritt C. Glover, Diana Gaitirira, Chris Bylsma, Alaina Warren Zachary, Johnnie Hector, Kiko SanchezSamantha hat eine erfolgreiche Karriere beim Radio, einen wunderbaren Ehemann und Freunde und Familie, die sie unterstützen. So glücklich sie auch ist, eines fehlt ihr noch im Leben. Ein Baby. Doch ihrem Mann John macht die Aussicht darauf Angst. Während das Paar darüber streitet, ein Baby zu bekommen, da ruft John anonym in ihrer Radiosendung an und bittet um Beziehungsrat!
Samantha and John Grey find themselves at a crossroads in their marriage. Samantha is considered the modern day 'Dear Abby' of talk radio and as a Doctor of Psychology; Samantha is meticulous to detail and advocates communication as the key to all successful marriages. Feeling her biological clock ticking, she's ready to start a family - if only she could convince her husband John.
Samantha and John Grey find themselves at a crossroads in their marriage. Samantha is considered the modern day 'Dear Abby' of talk radio and as a Doctor of Psychology; Samantha is meticulous to detail and advocates communication as the key to all successful marriages. Feeling her biological clock ticking, she's ready to start a family - if only she could convince her husband John.