Destiny - Einmal ganz oben stehen
William JenningsSchauspieler:
Damon Wayans, Gabriel Casseus, Christian Camargo, Malik Yoba, Paul Sorvino, Kristen Wilson, Eyde Byrde, Nicole Ari Parker, Fenton Lawless, Isiah Whitlock Jr.Das Ghettoviertel von Brooklyn ist keine schöne Gegend für einen jungen Mann wie Anton. Denn Anton ist kein gewöhnlicher Mann: Obwohl er geistig zurückgeblieben ist, gehört seine Liebe dem Gesang. Aber nicht jeder teilt Antons Liebe zur Musik. Als er von einem Drogendealer angegriffen wird, verbietet Antons Mutter ihrem Sohn auf der Straße zu singen. Für den jungen Anton ein unvorstellbarer Gedanke und so flieht er in die Straßen von New York. Was ihm dort widerfährt, grenzt fast schon an ein Wunder.
An aspiring opera singer from Harlem teams up with a charismatic busker and a kindhearted hustler to share his voice with the world, and teaches his two newfound friends the importance of taking your destiny into your own hands. Anton (Gabriel Casseus) lives in Harlem with his aunt. He dreams of moving to Italy and becoming a famous opera singer, and though he's been blessed with a magnificent singing voice, his passion has made him an outsider in his neighborhood. Running away from home, Anton meets passionate street pianist Matthew (Christian Carmago) and together the two begin drawing large, appreciate crowds on the street. Working the crowd as they do their thing is Wes (Damon Wayans), whose natural charm always gets the cash flowing. And while life on the streets is never easy, Anton, Matthew, and Wes soon discover that by following their dreams, they may find a means of transforming their lives forever.
An aspiring opera singer from Harlem teams up with a charismatic busker and a kindhearted hustler to share his voice with the world, and teaches his two newfound friends the importance of taking your destiny into your own hands. Anton (Gabriel Casseus) lives in Harlem with his aunt. He dreams of moving to Italy and becoming a famous opera singer, and though he's been blessed with a magnificent singing voice, his passion has made him an outsider in his neighborhood. Running away from home, Anton meets passionate street pianist Matthew (Christian Carmago) and together the two begin drawing large, appreciate crowds on the street. Working the crowd as they do their thing is Wes (Damon Wayans), whose natural charm always gets the cash flowing. And while life on the streets is never easy, Anton, Matthew, and Wes soon discover that by following their dreams, they may find a means of transforming their lives forever.