Tony KayeSchauspieler:
Marcia Gay Harden, Lucy Liu, James Caan, Bryan Cranston, Adrien Brody, Christina Hendricks, William Petersen, Blythe Danner, Tim Blake Nelson, Isiah Whitlock Jr., Sami Gayle, Betty Kaye, Louis Zorich, Chris Papavasiliou, Kwoade CrossHenry Barthes ist der Aushilfslehrer, den sie holen, wenn jemand krank ist, und der wieder gehen muss, wenn er seine Schüler denn mal erreicht haben sollte. Sein neuer Job an einer Schule wie ein Kriegsgebiet fordert ihn besonders, sieht er doch Hoffnungsschimmer in der Klasse, die andere längst aufgegeben haben. Dabei macht dem Lehrer auch das Privatleben zu schaffen. Der Vater ist an Demenz erkrankt, und eine anhängliche Hure will nicht aus seinem Leben weichen. Dabei hat er sich doch gerade ein wenig in eine Kollegin verliebt.
Tony Kaye ("American History X") hat viel vor für ökonomische 90 Minuten, manches gerät dabei zu kurz, anderes zu breit. Eine illustre Besetzung (Adrien Brody, Marcia Gay Harden, Christina Hendricks, James Caan) spielt groß auf in einer um krassem sozialen Realismus, aber auch kunstvolle Schnörkel bemühten Inszenierung. Viel wird angeschnitten, wenig vertieft, aber die Botschaft kommt an. Interessanter, kraftvoller Film, dessen Publikum über die Jahre wachsen wird.
Detachment is a chronicle of three weeks in the lives of several high school teachers, administrators and students through the eyes of a substitute teacher named Henry Barthes. Henry roams from school to school, imparting modes of knowledge, but never staying long enough to form any semblance of sentient attachment. A perfect profession for one seeking to hide out in the open. One day Henry arrives at his next assignment. Upon his entry into this particular school, a secret world of emotion is awakened within him by three women. A girl named Meredith in his first period. A fellow teacher Ms. Madison, and a street hooker named Erica, whom Henry has personally granted brief shelter from the streets. Each one of these women, like Henry, are in a life and death struggle to find beauty in a seemingly vicious and loveless world.
Detachment is a chronicle of three weeks in the lives of several high school teachers, administrators and students through the eyes of a substitute teacher named Henry Barthes. Henry roams from school to school, imparting modes of knowledge, but never staying long enough to form any semblance of sentient attachment. A perfect profession for one seeking to hide out in the open. One day Henry arrives at his next assignment. Upon his entry into this particular school, a secret world of emotion is awakened within him by three women. A girl named Meredith in his first period. A fellow teacher Ms. Madison, and a street hooker named Erica, whom Henry has personally granted brief shelter from the streets. Each one of these women, like Henry, are in a life and death struggle to find beauty in a seemingly vicious and loveless world.