Detective Dee und das Geheimnis des Rattenfluchs
Harry KellerSchauspieler:
Tom Tryon, Betty Lynn, Darryl Hickman, Brian Corcoran, Annette Gorman, James Edwards, Don Haggerty, Pat Hogan, Jay Silverheels, Bob SteeleGeronimo ist ein Ausgestoßener seines Stammes, der die Siedler und insbesondere das Schlachten hasst. Er lockt ihn von seiner Ranch weg, um anzugreifen, aber Slaughter's Familie schafft es, durchzuhalten, bis Hilfe eintrifft.
Texas John Slaughter is a peace-loving family man and successful rancher who values his friendship with the Apaches. But when a vengeful Geronimo initiates a violent campaign against the settlers, Slaughter himself must fight-- to maintain peace and honor among the warring groups.
Texas John Slaughter is a peace-loving family man and successful rancher who values his friendship with the Apaches. But when a vengeful Geronimo initiates a violent campaign against the settlers, Slaughter himself must fight-- to maintain peace and honor among the warring groups.