Dicke Mädchen
Axel RanischSchauspieler:
Peter Trabner, Ruth Bickelhaupt, Heiko Pinkowski, Paul PinkowskiSven Ritter lebt mit seiner an Demenz erkrankten Mutter Edeltraut zusammen, teilt mit ihr das Leben, die Wohnung, sogar das Bett. Tagsüber arbeitet er in der Bank. Während Svens Arbeitszeit kommt Daniel in die Wohnung und passt auf Edeltraut auf, geht mit ihr zum Friseur, spazieren, einkaufen und hält die Wohnung in Schuss. Doch eines Tages macht Edeltraut sich allein aus dem Staub. Die beiden Männer gehen auf die Suche nach ihr. Doch was sie finden, ist nicht nur Edeltraut, sondern eine zarte Zuneigung zueinander, die das Leben der beiden gehörig durcheinander bringt.
Sven lives with his mother Edeltraut, she suffers from dementia. They share their lives, their flat and even the bed. During the day Sven works at a bank and Daniel looks after his mother. He accompanies her to the hairdresser, they go shopping or for a walk and Daniel keeps the flat tidy. One day, Edeltraut locks Sven on the balcony and goes for a walk into town on her own. Both men desperately start to look for the old woman. They do not only find her, but also an affection for each other that creates confusion in their lives.
Sven lives with his mother Edeltraut, she suffers from dementia. They share their lives, their flat and even the bed. During the day Sven works at a bank and Daniel looks after his mother. He accompanies her to the hairdresser, they go shopping or for a walk and Daniel keeps the flat tidy. One day, Edeltraut locks Sven on the balcony and goes for a walk into town on her own. Both men desperately start to look for the old woman. They do not only find her, but also an affection for each other that creates confusion in their lives.