Die Bestie von Shanghai
Edwin L. MarinSchauspieler:
George Raft, June Havoc, Helena Carter, Tom Tully, Marvin Miller, Dan Seymour, Jay C. Flippen, Philip Ahn, Charles Lane, Marc Krah, Nancy Hsueh, Nan Wynn, Peter Chong, Michael Ansara, Phil Taylor, Victor Sen YungDer ehemalige Militärpilot Brad Dunham fliegt als Pilot Nahrungsmittel nach China, um den dortigen Schwarzmarkt zu bedienen. Als er mit seinem Lohn nicht zufrieden ist, will er mit dem Anführer des illegalen Unternehmens sprechen. Zu seinem Erstaunen ist dies die junge, aber auch gefährliche Tamara Baranoff, die sich durch ihr resolutes Auftreten den Namen ,Die Bestie von Shanghai" verdient hat.
Dishonorably discharged from the Army Air Corps, Brad Dunham (George Raft) disconsolately decides to try his luck with Shanghai's postwar black market. Teaming with the treacherous Tamara Baranoff (June Havoc), Dunham prospers in his newly-found illicit profession, much to the dismay of his best friend, reporter Mark Andrews (Tom Tully). When Tamara has the troublesome Andrews murdered, Dunham realizes the folly of his behavior and works overtime to squash the black market for good and all.
Dishonorably discharged from the Army Air Corps, Brad Dunham (George Raft) disconsolately decides to try his luck with Shanghai's postwar black market. Teaming with the treacherous Tamara Baranoff (June Havoc), Dunham prospers in his newly-found illicit profession, much to the dismay of his best friend, reporter Mark Andrews (Tom Tully). When Tamara has the troublesome Andrews murdered, Dunham realizes the folly of his behavior and works overtime to squash the black market for good and all.