Die Country Bears - Hier tobt der Bär
Peter HastingsSchauspieler:
Diedrich Bader, Haley Joel Osment, Christopher Walken, Brad Garrett, Eli Marienthal, M.C. Gainey, Stephen Tobolowsky, Alex Rocco, James Gammon, Stephen Root, Kevin Michael Richardson, Daryl Mitchell, Meagen Fay, Toby Huss, Candy FordJungbär Beary, frisch dem heimischen Pflegemenschen-Elternhaus entwachsen, muss zu seinem Entsetzen feststellen, dass ein fieser Banker jene Country Bear Hall abreißen will, in der einst die Karriere seiner mittlerweile aufgelösten Lieblingsband "Country Bears" begann. Um die rettenden 20.000 Dollar Kaution aufzutreiben, beschließt Beary, die Band für ein Reunion-Konzert wieder zusammen zu bringen. Zuvor gilt es jedoch, persönliche Künstlereitelkeiten sowie manch Sabotageversuch zu überwinden.
"Blues Brothers" minus der Blechschlachten und mit sprechenden Bären in den Titelrollen bietet die Kinoantwort auf eine in Amerika offenbar recht populäre Disneyland-Attraktion namens "Country Bear Jamboree".
Based on an attraction at Disneyland, the Country Bear Jamboree, "The Country Bears" (2002) is one in a long line of live action Disney family films. The movie is a satire of Behind the Music rock & roll bands. Beary, a young bear raised by a human family in a world where humans and talking bears coexist, attempts to trace his roots. He meets up with the Country Bears, a long-since broken-up band, a parody of bands like the Eagles. Beary helps the Country Bears reunite for one final concert, while searching for who he truly is.
Based on an attraction at Disneyland, the Country Bear Jamboree, "The Country Bears" (2002) is one in a long line of live action Disney family films. The movie is a satire of Behind the Music rock & roll bands. Beary, a young bear raised by a human family in a world where humans and talking bears coexist, attempts to trace his roots. He meets up with the Country Bears, a long-since broken-up band, a parody of bands like the Eagles. Beary helps the Country Bears reunite for one final concert, while searching for who he truly is.