Die Damen vom Bois de Boulogne
Robert BressonSchauspieler:
Paul Bernard, María Casares, Elina Labourdette, Lucienne Bogaert, Jean Marchat, Yvette EtiévantRobert Bressons zweiter und zugleich letzter Film, in dem professionelle Schauspieler Einsatz finden, "Les dames du Bois de Boulogne" (1945), ist eine klassische dramatische Dreiecksbeziehung zwischen einem Mann und zwei Frauen. Der Film beruht auf einer Episode aus Denis Diderots "Jacques le fataliste et son maître" und zeigt in eindringlichen Bildern den Wandel einer Liebe in totale Destruktion.
This unique love story, based on a novelette by Denis Diderot and with dialogue written by Jean Cocteau, follows the maneuverings of a society lady as she connives to initiate a scandalous affair between her aristocratic ex-lover and a prostitute. With his second feature film, director Robert Bresson was already forging his singularly brilliant filmmaking technique as he created a moving study of the power of revenge and the strength of true love.
This unique love story, based on a novelette by Denis Diderot and with dialogue written by Jean Cocteau, follows the maneuverings of a society lady as she connives to initiate a scandalous affair between her aristocratic ex-lover and a prostitute. With his second feature film, director Robert Bresson was already forging his singularly brilliant filmmaking technique as he created a moving study of the power of revenge and the strength of true love.