Die Drei ??? - Erbe des Drachen
Tim DünschedeSchauspieler:
Julius Weckauf, Nevio Wendt, Levi Brandl, Mark Waschke, Gudrun Landgrebe, Florian Lukas, Jördis Triebel, Gedeon BurkhardDie drei ??? Justus Jonas (Julius Weckauf), Peter Shaw (Nevio Wendt) und Bob Andrews (Levi Brandl) reisen in den Sommerferien nach Rumänien, um ein Praktikum am Filmset von „Dracula Rises“ zu absolvieren, welches ihnen Peters Vaters (Mark Waschke) vermittelt hat, der bei der Produktion für die Spezialeffekte verantwortlich ist. Kaum in Transsilvanien angekommen, kommt es zu einer Serie mysteriöser Ereignisse auf dem alten Schloss von Gräfin Codrina (Gudrun Landgrebe), das dem Film als Kulisse dient. Die drei Detektive wollen herausfinden, was all das mit dem Verschwinden eines Jungen zu tun hat, der vor über 50 Jahren vom Erdboden verschwand. Dabei kommen die drei Freunde einer mysteriösen Bruderschaft und einem rätselhaften Untoten auf die Spur. Nach und nach stehen nicht nur die Dreharbeiten, sondern auch Peters Beziehung zu seinem Vater auf dem Spiel…
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During the summer vacations, the three friends are about to take a trip together to Romania, where they are allowed to complete an internship on the film set of "Dracula Rises", arranged for them by Peter's father, who is responsible for the special effects during the filming. No sooner do they arrive in Transylvania than mysterious events begin to pile up at Countess Codrina's old castle, which serves as the original setting for the film. The three detectives want to find out what all this may have to do with a boy who has been missing for over 50 years, a mysterious brotherhood and an enigmatic undead. Soon, not only the filming and Peter's relationship with his father are at stake, but also the friendship of the three investigators.
During the summer vacations, the three friends are about to take a trip together to Romania, where they are allowed to complete an internship on the film set of "Dracula Rises", arranged for them by Peter's father, who is responsible for the special effects during the filming. No sooner do they arrive in Transylvania than mysterious events begin to pile up at Countess Codrina's old castle, which serves as the original setting for the film. The three detectives want to find out what all this may have to do with a boy who has been missing for over 50 years, a mysterious brotherhood and an enigmatic undead. Soon, not only the filming and Peter's relationship with his father are at stake, but also the friendship of the three investigators.