Die Erben der 36 Kammern der Shaolin
Liu Chia-LiangSchauspieler:
Hsiao Ho, Gordon Liu Chia-Hui, Lily Li Li-Li, Jason Pai Piao, Liu Chia-Liang, Mak Wai-Cheung, Cheng Miu, Lee Hoi-Sang, Yuen Qiu, Chan Shen, Yeung Chi-Hing, Wong Ching-Ho, Shum Lo, Lam Fai-Wong, Wong Lik, Sun ChienFang kann es nicht lassen, immer wieder fällt er auf. Sei es in der Schule oder in der Stadt egal wo er ist, muss er immer das letzte Wort haben welches ihm oft in Schwierigkeiten bringt. Eines Tages legt er sich mit Offizieren der Mandschus an und muss darauf hin seine Familie verlassen, seine Mutter bringt ihm ins Shaolinkloster. Unter der Aufsicht von San Te soll er die Kampfkunst der Shaolin erlernen. Aber auch hier kann er sich nicht unterordenen und es kommt wie es kommen muss er wird aus dem Kloster verjagd. Er gerät in die Fänge des Gouverneures, der ihm und seinen Freunden die geheimenen Künste der Shaolin entlocken will, doch das kann San Te nicht zulassen.
Fong Sai Yuk's uninhibited arrogance toward a Manchu lord forces him to seek refuge in a Shaolin temple. Although abundantly trained in the martial arts, he is no match for Master San Te, the creator of the 36th Chamber of Shaolin, who constantly overpowers his younger, more agile disciples in matters of both body and mind. Exhausted by his frequent defeats, Fong seeks to escape his prison and crosses paths with a governor, who rewards him with a yellow robe granting immunity from any Manchu. But what are the governor's true intentions? Will Fong feed his foolish ego and betray the Shaolin Temple?
Fong Sai Yuk's uninhibited arrogance toward a Manchu lord forces him to seek refuge in a Shaolin temple. Although abundantly trained in the martial arts, he is no match for Master San Te, the creator of the 36th Chamber of Shaolin, who constantly overpowers his younger, more agile disciples in matters of both body and mind. Exhausted by his frequent defeats, Fong seeks to escape his prison and crosses paths with a governor, who rewards him with a yellow robe granting immunity from any Manchu. But what are the governor's true intentions? Will Fong feed his foolish ego and betray the Shaolin Temple?