Die exzentrischen Cousinen der First Lady
Michael SucsySchauspieler:
Drew Barrymore, Jessica Lange, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Ken HowardMan nennt die zwei schrulligen Bewohnerinnen des verfallenden Landhauses auf Long Island „Big Edie“ und „Little Edie“ (Jessica Lange, Drew Barrymore). Vor langer Zeit zogen sich Mutter und Tochter aus der New Yorker High Society zurück. Doch jetzt will das Gesundheitsamt ihre völlig verkommene Villa räumen. Da eilt eine berühmte Verwandte zu Hilfe: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. - Golden-Globe-prämiert: Die wahre Story zweier exzentrischer Kennedy-Verwandter, deren Fall 1971 Schlagzeilen machte.
Based on the life stories of the eccentric aunt and first cousin of Jackie Onassis raised as Park Avenue débutantes but who withdrew from New York society, taking shelter at their Long Island summer home, "Grey Gardens." As their wealth and contact with the outside world dwindled, so did their grasp on reality.
Based on the life stories of the eccentric aunt and first cousin of Jackie Onassis raised as Park Avenue débutantes but who withdrew from New York society, taking shelter at their Long Island summer home, "Grey Gardens." As their wealth and contact with the outside world dwindled, so did their grasp on reality.