Die fliegende Windmühle
Günter RätzSchauspieler:
Peter Groeger, Volkmar Kleinert, Evelyn Opoczynski, Akhim Petri, Käthe ReichelOlli hat Sorgen. Ihr Zeugnis ist schlecht ausgefallen. Und weil sie sich schämt, läuft sie von zu Hause weg. Ihre Freunde, der Hund Pinkus und das Pferd Alexander, rennen ihr nach. Vor einem Unwetter suchen sie Schutz in einer Windmühle. Dort lebt ein Professor, der viele technische Geräte erfunden hat, und weil Olli auf einen falschen Knopf drückt, hebt sich die Mühle in die Lüfte – bis in den Weltraum. Dort erleben die Freunde zahlreiche Abenteuer. Froschähnliche Wesen laden zu einem Fest ein, und ein Vulkan verursacht gefährliche Stürme. Wird der Rückflug zur Erde gelingen?
Olli, the main character in the movie, got a very bad grade and is terribly annoyed. She runs away from home and, together with a dog and a horse, finds a (mad? nutty?) scientist in a windmill. They experience the strangest adventures in this windmill and find other interesting characters, a lot of excitement and peril. While you may well interpret something as the "socialist value system" into this movie, it is more meant to be a children's movie, showing the kids that there are more exciting things out there than the ones that your parents and teachers show you, and that you will only find out most of those things on your own, if you show enough curiosity.
Olli, the main character in the movie, got a very bad grade and is terribly annoyed. She runs away from home and, together with a dog and a horse, finds a (mad? nutty?) scientist in a windmill. They experience the strangest adventures in this windmill and find other interesting characters, a lot of excitement and peril. While you may well interpret something as the "socialist value system" into this movie, it is more meant to be a children's movie, showing the kids that there are more exciting things out there than the ones that your parents and teachers show you, and that you will only find out most of those things on your own, if you show enough curiosity.