Die Fremde in dir
Neil JordanSchauspieler:
Terrence Howard, Zoë Kravitz, Jodie Foster, Mary Steenburgen, John Magaro, Victor Colicchio, Naveen Andrews, Nicky Katt, Jane Adams, Ene Oloja, Luis Da Silva Jr., Blaze Foster, Rafael Sardina, Gordon MacDonald, Jermel HowardDie New Yorkerin Erica Bain (Jodie Foster) moderiert die Radiosendung "Street Talk", in der sie den Hörern ihre Liebe zur Stadt mittels Storys kund tut. Mit ihrer Zuneigung zu den Straßen des Big Apples ist Schluss, als man sie und ihren Verlobten David Kirmani (Naveen Andrews) brutal überfällt. Nur Erica überlebt den Angriff schwer verletzt und bleibt traumatisiert. Ihre Angst besänftigt sie mit einer Schusswaffe, die sie nach ihrer körperlichen Genesung fortan mit sich führt. Bald muss sie die Pistole in Notwehr einsetzen - und findet Gefallen daran.
Mit Regisseur Neil Jordan (Oscar für "The Crying Game") und Produzent Joel Silver ("The Matrix") trifft Sensibilität auf Power, und beides bündelt Jodie Foster zu einem entfesselten Psychothriller um Selbstjustiz, der Erinnerungen an Abel Ferraras "Ms. 45" wach ruft.
David Kirmani,a medical professional, lives in an apartment with his sweetheart, Erica Bain, a radio host, and his dog. They usually take the dog out for a stroll in nearby Central Park and let him run and fetch. One day while at the park they let the dog run without a leash, and when he does not return or respond to their calls, they frantically search for him. They eventually find him being held by three men who want a reward. When David refuses, they start to molest Erica and David intervenes. Two of the men assault the couple, while the third uses a camcorder to film this incident. Erica is knocked unconscious, and regains her senses several days later in a hospital. She is told the shocking news that David was killed and the dog is missing. A traumatized Erica returns home to try and regain her life. She also visits the police station but does not get much help. Fearful of a repeat of this type of incident, she gets an unlicensed gun and carries it with her all the time. One day ...
David Kirmani,a medical professional, lives in an apartment with his sweetheart, Erica Bain, a radio host, and his dog. They usually take the dog out for a stroll in nearby Central Park and let him run and fetch. One day while at the park they let the dog run without a leash, and when he does not return or respond to their calls, they frantically search for him. They eventually find him being held by three men who want a reward. When David refuses, they start to molest Erica and David intervenes. Two of the men assault the couple, while the third uses a camcorder to film this incident. Erica is knocked unconscious, and regains her senses several days later in a hospital. She is told the shocking news that David was killed and the dog is missing. A traumatized Erica returns home to try and regain her life. She also visits the police station but does not get much help. Fearful of a repeat of this type of incident, she gets an unlicensed gun and carries it with her all the time. One day ...