Die Freundin war immer dabei
Marcello FondatoSchauspieler:
Claudia Cardinale, Catherine Spaak, Robert Hoffmann, Nino Castelnuovo, John Phillip Law, Lino Banfi, Clara Colosimo, Dada Gallotti, Antonio Sabato, Luigi Barbieri, Mimma Biscardi, Lars Bloch, Aldo Giuffrè, Alberto Lionello, Francesco MuléDoppelbödige Komödie um die Freundinnen Marta (Claudia Cardinale) und Nana (Catherine Spaak), die eine Wohnung und diverse Männer (Robert Hoffmann, Antonio Sabato) teilen. Als Marta heiratet, wird sie das Opfer einer homoerotisch getönten Männerfreundschaft: Ihr Gatte Piero (Nino Castelnuovo) segelt mit einem schmucken Amerikaner (John Phillip Law) davon.
The star is international glamour plate Claudia Cardinale, improbably cast as a telephone switchboard operator. It is believable that Cardinale is using her job as a means to trap a man for herself. When she is stood up by her first conquest, Cardinale teams with Catherine Spaak to romance and fleece eligible rich bachelors (and a few wealthy husbands) up and down the European continent.
The star is international glamour plate Claudia Cardinale, improbably cast as a telephone switchboard operator. It is believable that Cardinale is using her job as a means to trap a man for herself. When she is stood up by her first conquest, Cardinale teams with Catherine Spaak to romance and fleece eligible rich bachelors (and a few wealthy husbands) up and down the European continent.