Die Gans von Sedan
Helmut KäutnerSchauspieler:
Hardy Krüger, Jean Richard, Dany Carrel, Françoise Rosay, Theo Lingen, Lucien Nat, Helmut Käutner, Fritz Tillmann, Ralf Wolter, Yves Barsacq, Willy Rösner, Hans Verner, Émile Genevois, Georg Gütlich, Rolf Kutschera, Henri MarteauIm Jahre 1870 nimmt der französische Soldat Léon während des Ersten Weltkriegs gegen die Vorschriften ein Bad in einem Fluss in der Nähe von Sedan. Da begegnet er dem deutschen Grenadier Fritz, der gerade eine Gans fangen will. Die beiden freunden sich an, verlieren sich aber schnell wieder aus den Augen. Zu spät merken Léon und Fritz, dass sie in der Eile ihre Uniformen vertauscht haben. Während die zwei versuchen, ihren Fauxpas rückgängig zu machen, lernen sie die schöne Bäuerin Marguerite kennen, die ihnen Unterschlupf gewährt.
Helmut Käutners charmant-amüsanter Beitrag zum Thema Völkerverständigung.
Summer 1870. Following the French defeat at Sedan. Léon, a soldier in a detachment isolated in the Ardennes forest, is sent in search of water. When he discovers the most peaceful of rivers, he decides to undress and bathe in it. At bend of the river he catches sight of another naked swimmer. It's a Prussian! Both men start bickering a bit: aren't they supposed to be arch enemies? But they soon fraternize. Unfortunately the patrol has not vanished in the haze and they hear it coming. Each man gets hold of his uniform and runs away in two opposite directions. The only trouble is that Fritz the Prussian has donned the French uniform and Leon the Prussian one!
Summer 1870. Following the French defeat at Sedan. Léon, a soldier in a detachment isolated in the Ardennes forest, is sent in search of water. When he discovers the most peaceful of rivers, he decides to undress and bathe in it. At bend of the river he catches sight of another naked swimmer. It's a Prussian! Both men start bickering a bit: aren't they supposed to be arch enemies? But they soon fraternize. Unfortunately the patrol has not vanished in the haze and they hear it coming. Each man gets hold of his uniform and runs away in two opposite directions. The only trouble is that Fritz the Prussian has donned the French uniform and Leon the Prussian one!