Die Geierwally
Hans SteinhoffSchauspieler:
Heidemarie Hatheyer, Sepp Rist, Eduard Köck, Winnie Markus, Leopold Esterle, Mimi Gstöttner-Auer, Ludwig Auer, Maria Hofen, Georg Vogelsang, Käte Merk, Marta Salm, Anna Exl, Hans Kratzer, Gustav Waldau, Franz Ludwig, Rolf PineggerWally liegt mit ihrem Vater im Streit, weil er sie mit Vinzenz verheiraten will, den sie nicht liebt. Sie flieht auf eine Berghütte und lebt dort einsam und zurückgezogen, denn ihre unerfüllte Liebe gehört dem Jäger Josef. Ihm begegnet sie, als sie unvorsichtiger Weise einen jungen Geier aus dem Nest nimmt und sofort vom alten angegriffen wird. Josef kommt ihr zu Hilfe und rettet sie. Von nun an nennt er sie liebevoll die "Geierwally", denn auch er fühlt sich zu ihr hingezogen, obwohl er immer noch unter dem Gerücht leidet, die junge Afra sei seine Geliebte. Erst als Afras Geheimnis ans Licht kommt, steht der jungen Liebe nichts mehr im Wege...
In the mountains of the Ötztal, the wealthy Fender (Eduard Köck) and Wally (Heath Hatheyer), his only daughter and heir, manage a small farm. He wants to marry the rich, but boring, Vincent (Leopold Esterle). Wally escapes to a mountain hut, where she lives alone and withdrawn. Her love belongs to the hunter, Joseph (Sepp Rist). When she unwisely takes a young vulture from its nest and is attacked by the mother, Joseph comes to her aid and from that point on, she fondly calls him her "Geierwally". He also feels attracted to her, but Wally can't escape the feeling, that the young Afra is his mistress. Mad with jealousy, Wally announces that she'll marry the one who kills Josef. Vincent wants to earn her hand and is determined to kill the Geierwally. Just in time, though, the actual relationship between Joseph and Afra is clarified.
In the mountains of the Ötztal, the wealthy Fender (Eduard Köck) and Wally (Heath Hatheyer), his only daughter and heir, manage a small farm. He wants to marry the rich, but boring, Vincent (Leopold Esterle). Wally escapes to a mountain hut, where she lives alone and withdrawn. Her love belongs to the hunter, Joseph (Sepp Rist). When she unwisely takes a young vulture from its nest and is attacked by the mother, Joseph comes to her aid and from that point on, she fondly calls him her "Geierwally". He also feels attracted to her, but Wally can't escape the feeling, that the young Afra is his mistress. Mad with jealousy, Wally announces that she'll marry the one who kills Josef. Vincent wants to earn her hand and is determined to kill the Geierwally. Just in time, though, the actual relationship between Joseph and Afra is clarified.