Die Geliebte des Anderen
Léonard KeigelSchauspieler:
Romy Schneider, Gabriele Tinti, Maurice Ronet, Jacques Duby, Simone Bach, Jean-Jacques Bourgeois, Anne-Marie Coffinet, Suzy HannierWährend eines Streits mit seiner Freundin Marina stürzt das von Claude gesteuerte Auto über die Klippen ins Meer. So erzählt es zumindest Marina, die sich glücklicherweise retten kann. Da Claude selbst verschwunden bleibt, gerät die sich merkwürdig verhaltende Marina unter Verdacht, ihn ermordet zu haben. Claudes Bruder Serge nimmt sie bei sich auf und scheint sich schon bald trotz aller Zweifel in sie zu verlieben.
Französischer Psychothriller, in dem Romy Schneider unter Verdacht gerät, ihren Freund ermordet zu haben.
Marina and her boyfriend have an argument while on a trip in France. While driving with the car among the cliffs, he starts speeding and the car falls into the sea. Marina can jump out of the car, but her boyfriend seems to be drowned. She gets to know his brother and he falls in love with her. But why does she always feel watched? What reasons are behind her strange behaviour anyway? Did she really murder her boyfriend? But is he dead anyway?
Marina and her boyfriend have an argument while on a trip in France. While driving with the car among the cliffs, he starts speeding and the car falls into the sea. Marina can jump out of the car, but her boyfriend seems to be drowned. She gets to know his brother and he falls in love with her. But why does she always feel watched? What reasons are behind her strange behaviour anyway? Did she really murder her boyfriend? But is he dead anyway?