Die Geschichte vom kleinen Muck
Wolfgang StaudteSchauspieler:
Werner Peters, Trude Hesterberg, Thomas Schmidt, Charles Hans Vogt, Harry Riebauer, Johannes Maus, Friedrich Richter, Alwin Lippisch, Silja Lesny, Heinz Kammer, Gerhard Hänsel, Wilhelm Hinrich Holtz, Richard Nagy, Gerd Frickhöffer, Ursula KempertIn einer Stadt im alten Orient lebt der kleinwüchsige Mukrah, von allen Kinder als "der kleine Muck" verspottet. Nach dem Tod des Vaters verlässt er seine Vaterstadt, um den Kaufmann zu suchen, der das Glück verkauft. Über Umwege gerät er an ein Paar wunderliche Pantoffeln und einen Spazierstock, die ihn von allein in den Sultanspalast bringen. Dort gewinnt er die Freundschaft der Prinzessin und wird zum Schatzmeister ernannt, bald jedoch des Diebstahls bezichtigt und fortgejagt. Als er sich unter einem Feigenbaum ausruht, entdeckt er die Zauberkraft der Früchte - und kehrt als Feigenhändler an den Hof zurück.
Der Film vom kleinen Muck, der sich mit seinen Wunderschuhen und Zauberfeigen gegen Intrigen am Sultanshof behaupten muß, steht am Beginn der legendären DEFA-Kinderfilmtradition.
An old man living in an oriental city tells the story of his life to a group of kids: He too was once a young boy by the name of Little Muck - much like them, but with better manners and a heap of problems. Having lost his father at early age, little Muck is expelled from home by his greedy relatives. He wanders off into the desert hoping to find the merchant who sells good fortune. Amidst the dunes of sand he comes across a small house owned by a wicked woman and her many cats. She wants to make Little Muck her servant, but he manages to escape by stealing a pair of magic shoes which enable him to run faster than any man in the country. From there he heads right into the next set of challenges... Based on a fairy tale by Wilhelm Hauff.
An old man living in an oriental city tells the story of his life to a group of kids: He too was once a young boy by the name of Little Muck - much like them, but with better manners and a heap of problems. Having lost his father at early age, little Muck is expelled from home by his greedy relatives. He wanders off into the desert hoping to find the merchant who sells good fortune. Amidst the dunes of sand he comes across a small house owned by a wicked woman and her many cats. She wants to make Little Muck her servant, but he manages to escape by stealing a pair of magic shoes which enable him to run faster than any man in the country. From there he heads right into the next set of challenges... Based on a fairy tale by Wilhelm Hauff.