Die große Freiheit
Jean DenizotSchauspieler:
Zacharie Chasseriaud, Nicolas Bouchaud, Jules Pelissier, Solène Rigot, Jean-Philippe ÉcoffeyNachdem seine beiden Söhne Sylvain (Zacharie Chasseriaud) und Pierre (Jules Pélissier) bei der Scheidung seiner Ex-Frau zugesprochen wurden, entscheidet sich ihr Vater Yves (Nicolas Bouchaud) zu einem drastischen Schritt: Nach dem Ende der Weihnachtsferien bringt er die Kinder nicht zu ihrer Mutter zurück, sondern taucht mit ihnen 11 Jahre in Frankreich auf einer Insel ab. Doch als Sylvain die hübsche Gilda (Solène Rigot) kennenlernt, ist es für ihn Liebe auf den ersten Blick - und plötzlich stellen er und sein Bruder ihr ganzes bisheriges Leben in Frage.
Sylvain and Pierre have been running from the law ever since a custody battle with their mother pushed their father Yves into hiding ten years ago. But now that they’re older, the two brothers are road-weary and eager to take advantage of the perks of young adulthood. When the authorities discover their whereabouts, they are forced to move yet again and Pierre, the elder, disappears. Alone with his father on an island in the Loire River, Sylvain meets Gilda: his first girl, his first crush, and the first stop on his way to “the good life” – his own.
Sylvain and Pierre have been running from the law ever since a custody battle with their mother pushed their father Yves into hiding ten years ago. But now that they’re older, the two brothers are road-weary and eager to take advantage of the perks of young adulthood. When the authorities discover their whereabouts, they are forced to move yet again and Pierre, the elder, disappears. Alone with his father on an island in the Loire River, Sylvain meets Gilda: his first girl, his first crush, and the first stop on his way to “the good life” – his own.