Die Große Liebe meines Lebens
Leo McCareySchauspieler:
Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr, Richard Denning, Neva Patterson, Cathleen Nesbitt, Charles Watts, Fortunio BonanovaAuf einem Luxusdampfer verlieben sich der Lebemann Nickie und die Nachtclub-Sängerin Terry ineinander, obwohl sie beide schon anderweitig mehr oder weniger fest gebunden sind. Um ihre Liebe auf die Probe zu stellen, verabreden sie ein Treffen auf dem Empire State Building in sechs Monaten. Nickie ist pünktlich zur Stelle, doch zu seinem Kummer erscheint Terry nicht. Was er nicht ahnt: Sie wurde auf dem Weg zu ihrem Treffen von einem Auto angefahren.
Leo McCareys Romanze zählt zu den großen Klassikern Hollywoods und gelangte als der Film, den sich Meg Ryan in "Schlaflos in Seattle" immer wieder anschaut, in den 90ern zu neuem Ruhm.
Nickie Ferrante's return to New York to marry a rich heiress is well publicized as are his many antics and affairs. He meets a nightclub singer Terry McKay who is also on her way home to her longtime boyfriend. She sees him as just another playboy and he sees her as stand-offish but over several days they soon find they've fallen in love. Nickie has never really worked in his life so they agree that they will meet again in six months time atop the Empire State building. This will give them time to deal with their current relationships and for Nickie to see if he can actually earn a living. He returns to painting and is reasonably successful. On the agreed date, Nickie is waiting patiently for Terry who is racing to join him. Fate intervenes however resulting in misunderstanding and heartbreak and only fate can save their relationship.
Nickie Ferrante's return to New York to marry a rich heiress is well publicized as are his many antics and affairs. He meets a nightclub singer Terry McKay who is also on her way home to her longtime boyfriend. She sees him as just another playboy and he sees her as stand-offish but over several days they soon find they've fallen in love. Nickie has never really worked in his life so they agree that they will meet again in six months time atop the Empire State building. This will give them time to deal with their current relationships and for Nickie to see if he can actually earn a living. He returns to painting and is reasonably successful. On the agreed date, Nickie is waiting patiently for Terry who is racing to join him. Fate intervenes however resulting in misunderstanding and heartbreak and only fate can save their relationship.