Die große Orgie
Miklós JancsóSchauspieler:
Balázsovits Lajos, Pamela Villoresi, Franco Branciaroli, Teresa Ann Savoy, Laura Betti, Ivica PajerDer österreichisch-ungarische Thronfolger, der junge Kronprinz Rudolf, führt in einer abgelegenen, sonnigen Villa ein lasterhaftes und frivoles Leben. Er liebt unstandesgemäß die bürgerliche Sofia, räkelt sich nackt im Garten, wälzt sich mit der älteren Bediensteten Therese in Heuhaufen. Umgeben von einem bizarren Gefolge verspottet er durch sein zügelloses Leben den väterlichen Puritanismus. Seine Stiefschwester Sofie und ein junger Graf treffen im Schloss ein. Die Ankunft des freizügigen und verspielten Paares gibt Gelegenheit, neue erotische und provokante Spiele zu erfinden. Er lädt die Töchter und Söhne der einflussreichsten Familien des Kaiserreichs zu einem rauschenden Fest in die Villa ein. Enthemmt von Champagner, der mit einem geheimnisvollen Pulver versetzt ist, fallen schon bald alle Hüllen. Rudolf will diese zügellosen Szenen der Dekadenz fotografieren und veröffentlichen und so die verhüllte Degeneriertheit der herrschenden Klasse bloß stellen. Eine ausschweifende Orgie beginnt, die sich bis in den nächsten Morgen hinein steigert...
The son of Emperor Franz Josef of Austria, Crown Prince Rudolf, is believed to have shot his female lover and himself in a tragic suicide pact in 1882 in Mayerling. Due to Imperial cover-ups, the full story may never be known. This story has been filmed several times, in French in 1935 and in English in 1968. Hungarian director Miklos Jancso recreates those events for his own purposes, continuing his favored theme of the rejection of paternal authority. In the film, which has very little dialog, Rudolf is a good-natured pan-sexual golden boy, who cavorts on his rural estate with a host of beautiful, aristocratic lovers and friends of both sexes. He refuses to leave his country idyll even though he has been ordered to by the Emperor, his father. Despite the fact that for a large part of the film, attractive young people go about unclothed and engaging in erotic encounters, the mood is one of melancholy rather than prurience.
The son of Emperor Franz Josef of Austria, Crown Prince Rudolf, is believed to have shot his female lover and himself in a tragic suicide pact in 1882 in Mayerling. Due to Imperial cover-ups, the full story may never be known. This story has been filmed several times, in French in 1935 and in English in 1968. Hungarian director Miklos Jancso recreates those events for his own purposes, continuing his favored theme of the rejection of paternal authority. In the film, which has very little dialog, Rudolf is a good-natured pan-sexual golden boy, who cavorts on his rural estate with a host of beautiful, aristocratic lovers and friends of both sexes. He refuses to leave his country idyll even though he has been ordered to by the Emperor, his father. Despite the fact that for a large part of the film, attractive young people go about unclothed and engaging in erotic encounters, the mood is one of melancholy rather than prurience.