Die Halbstarken
Georg TresslerSchauspieler:
Horst Buchholz, Karin Baal, Christian Doermer, Jo Herbst, Viktoria von Ballasko, Stanislav Ledinek, Mario Ahrens, Manfred Hoffmann, Hans-Joachim Ketzlin, Kalle Gaffkus, Wolfgang Heyer, Eduard Wandrey, Friedrich Joloff, Ruth Mueller, Egon Vogel, Benno HoffmannDer 19-jährige Freddy haut von Zuhause ab, weil er seinen tyrannischen Vater, einen spießigen Beamten, nicht mehr ertragen kann. Er überfällt ein Postauto, um die desolate finanzielle Situation der Familie, unter der vor allem seine Mutter leiden muss, zu beenden. Aber der Überfall geht schief, Freddy dreht ein zweites Ding, um vor seiner Bande und Freundin nicht als Versager dazustehen. Ein Fehler.
Deutscher atmosphärisch dichter Filmklassiker aus den 50er Jahren, der Horst Buchholz' Image als "Junger Wilder" manifestierte.
Rising young German leading man Horst Buccholz followed up his award-winning performance in Sky Without Stars with his starring role in Die Halbstarken. The title translates to "The Half-Strong Ones", in reference to the film's juvenile-delinquent protagonists. Though virtually irredeemable, Buccholz's gang-leader character is softened somewhat by his love for tenement girl Karin Baal. With the exception of Buccholz, most of the young toughs in the film are nonprofessionals, exuding a raw energy that many "pros" could not emulate. Most of Die Halbstarken was lensed on location in genuine gang-ridden urban neighborhoods.
Rising young German leading man Horst Buccholz followed up his award-winning performance in Sky Without Stars with his starring role in Die Halbstarken. The title translates to "The Half-Strong Ones", in reference to the film's juvenile-delinquent protagonists. Though virtually irredeemable, Buccholz's gang-leader character is softened somewhat by his love for tenement girl Karin Baal. With the exception of Buccholz, most of the young toughs in the film are nonprofessionals, exuding a raw energy that many "pros" could not emulate. Most of Die Halbstarken was lensed on location in genuine gang-ridden urban neighborhoods.