Die Hexe und der Zauberer
Wolfgang ReithermanSchauspieler:
Sebastian Cabot, Karl Swenson, Junius Matthews, Norman Alden, Rickie Sorensen, Ginny Tyler, Martha Wentworth, Alan Napier, Richard Reitherman, Robert ReithermanDer junge Ritterknecht Floh lebt auf der Burg seines Stiefvaters Sir Hector. Der gute Zauberer Merlin erkennt, dass Floh zu Höherem bestimmt ist, und weiht ihn in die Geheimnisse des Lebens ein. Gemeinsam erleben sie als Fische, Eichhörnchen und Vögel tolle Abenteuer, einschließlich eines Zauberer-Wettstreits mit der bösen Hexe Madame Mim.
Walt Disneys familienfreundliche Zeichentrickversion der Sage um König Arthur.
Wart is a young boy who aspires to be a knight's squire. On a hunting trip he falls in on Merlin, a powerful but amnesiac wizard who has plans for him beyond mere squiredom. He starts by trying to give him an education, believing that once one has an education, one can go anywhere. Needless to say, it doesn't quite work out that way.
Wart is a young boy who aspires to be a knight's squire. On a hunting trip he falls in on Merlin, a powerful but amnesiac wizard who has plans for him beyond mere squiredom. He starts by trying to give him an education, believing that once one has an education, one can go anywhere. Needless to say, it doesn't quite work out that way.