Die innere Schönheit des Universums
Lisa LangsethSchauspieler:
Alicia Vikander, Samuel Fröler, Josephine Bauer, Martin Wallström, Isabella Alveborg, Ylva Gallon, Elisabeth Göransson, Doris Funcke, Kim Lantz, Magnus Lindberg, Frederik NilssonKatarina kommt aus einer dysfunktionalen Familie und auch ihr Beziehungsleben gestaltet sich problematisch. Das alles scheint sich zu ändern, als sie einen neuen Job im Opernhaus annimmt. Dort entdeckt sie nicht nur ihre Liebe zu Mozart, sondern beginnt auch eine leidenschaftliche Affäre mit dem Hausdirigenten. Doch eines Tages steht sie dann erneut vor einem Trümmerhaufen.
Katarina is 20 years old. With a troubled past in a dreary suburb, her life seems to be already set in stone - until she discovers music. Everything changes when she hears a performance of Mozart’s 'Requiem' at the Gothenburg Concert Hall that sends her reeling and opens up a beautiful new world. She feels that she has to change her life and get as far away from her ugly reality as possible. But the path she has to follow proves to be a treacherous one, filled with lies, betrayal and a dangerous liaison with the married conductor Adam. Yet Katarina is ready to do anything to gain her new identity.
Katarina is 20 years old. With a troubled past in a dreary suburb, her life seems to be already set in stone - until she discovers music. Everything changes when she hears a performance of Mozart’s 'Requiem' at the Gothenburg Concert Hall that sends her reeling and opens up a beautiful new world. She feels that she has to change her life and get as far away from her ugly reality as possible. But the path she has to follow proves to be a treacherous one, filled with lies, betrayal and a dangerous liaison with the married conductor Adam. Yet Katarina is ready to do anything to gain her new identity.