Die Killer Elite
Sam PeckinpahSchauspieler:
James Caan, Robert Duvall, Arthur Hill, Bo Hopkins, Mako, Burt Young, Gig Young, Tom Clancy, Tiana Alexandra, Walter Kelley, Kate Heflin, Sondra Blake, Carole Mallory, James Wing Woo, George Cheung, Uschi DigardDie Agenten Locken und Hansen erledigen im Auftrag der privaten Organisation Comteg einen Auftrag und feiern. Hansen wechelt die Seiten, tötet ihren neuen Schützling und schießt Locken zusammen. Locken kommt mit einem harten Trainingsprogramm in Form, übernimmt den Schutz des chinesischen Politikers Chung und trifft auf Hansen, der das auf Chung angesetzte Killerkommando führt. Hansen wird erschossen, Locken segelt mit der Yacht seines Vorgesetzten, der sich als Verräter erwiesen hat, davon.
Mike Locken is one of the principle members of a group of freelance spies. A significant portion of their work is for the C.I.A. and while on a case for them one of his friends turns on him and shoots him in the elbow and knee. His assignment, to protect someone, goes down in flames. He is nearly crippled, but with braces is able to again become mobile. For revenge as much as anything else, Mike goes after his ex-friend.
Mike Locken is one of the principle members of a group of freelance spies. A significant portion of their work is for the C.I.A. and while on a case for them one of his friends turns on him and shoots him in the elbow and knee. His assignment, to protect someone, goes down in flames. He is nearly crippled, but with braces is able to again become mobile. For revenge as much as anything else, Mike goes after his ex-friend.