Die Lachbombe
Norman Panama, Melvin FrankSchauspieler:
Danny Kaye, Mai Zetterling, Torin Thatcher, Leon Askin, Steven Geray, Virginia Huston, Lewis Martin, John Alderson, Tony Christian, Bess Flowers, Herman Hack, Phil Tully, David Burns, Abner Biberman, Gavin Gordon, Otto WaldisDer Bauchredner Jerry hat schon wieder einmal eine Freundin verloren, weil immer dann, wenn es ums Thema Hochzeit geht, seine Puppen ihren eigenen Willen haben und eifersüchtig werden. Vor Wut hat er die beiden - Clarence and Terrence - kaputt gemacht und sie müssen nun repariert werden. Der Puppendoktor, der weiß, daß Jerry demnächst nach Europa reist, will die Gelegenheit nutzen um die Puppen als geheimes Versteck für eine Botschaft zu nutzen, die er einem Spionagering zukommen lassen will. So sind also nun gleich zwei Geheimorganisationen hinter dem armen Kerl her, und außerdem noch die Polizei, die ihn in einem Mordfall verdächtigt.
Ventriloquist Jerry Morgan has failed with another love affair. The reason: when the relationship reaches the point when it is time to discuss marriage, his doll Clarence becomes mean and jealous. His fiancée Audrey leaves him and Jerry smashes his two dolls, Clarence and Terrence. Morgan's dollmaker Papinek is member of a spy ring who has stolen the secret plans to the top secret Lafayette airplane. Since Morgan is leaving for Zurich the same night, he decides to use Morgan's dolls as a mailbox and hides the secret plan in the heads of the dolls. Another secret spy ring also wants to get their hands on Jerry's luggage and they *also* follow him. Eventually, Jerry is chased by both these organizations as well as the police, who suspects him of murder.
Ventriloquist Jerry Morgan has failed with another love affair. The reason: when the relationship reaches the point when it is time to discuss marriage, his doll Clarence becomes mean and jealous. His fiancée Audrey leaves him and Jerry smashes his two dolls, Clarence and Terrence. Morgan's dollmaker Papinek is member of a spy ring who has stolen the secret plans to the top secret Lafayette airplane. Since Morgan is leaving for Zurich the same night, he decides to use Morgan's dolls as a mailbox and hides the secret plan in the heads of the dolls. Another secret spy ring also wants to get their hands on Jerry's luggage and they *also* follow him. Eventually, Jerry is chased by both these organizations as well as the police, who suspects him of murder.