Die Legende vom einsamen Ranger
William A. FrakerSchauspieler:
Christopher Lloyd, Matt Clark, Juanin Clay, Jason Robards, John Bennett Perry, David Hayward, Richard Farnsworth, Marc Gilpin, John Hart, Klinton Spilsbury, Michael Horse, Lincoln Tate, Ted Flicker, Bonita GranvilleEin einziger Überlebender bleibt nach dem Angriff der Outlaws von Butch Cavendish auf die Texas Rangers zurück: John Reid. Von seinem langjährigen Freund, dem Comanchen Tonto, wird Reid vor dem sicheren Tod gerettet, um anschließend Rache gegen Cavendish und seine Bande gesetzloser Killer zu schwören. Die Geburtsstunde des maskierten Rächers namens "Lone Ranger" ist eingeläutet.
When the young Texas Ranger, John Reid, is the sole survivor of an ambush arranged by the militaristic outlaw leader, Butch Cavendich, he is rescued by an old childhood Comanche friend, Tonto. When he recovers from his wounds, he dedicates his life to fighting the evil that Cavendich represents. To this end, John Reid becomes the great masked western hero, The Lone Ranger. With the help of Tonto, the pair go to rescue President Grant when Cavendich takes him hostage.
When the young Texas Ranger, John Reid, is the sole survivor of an ambush arranged by the militaristic outlaw leader, Butch Cavendich, he is rescued by an old childhood Comanche friend, Tonto. When he recovers from his wounds, he dedicates his life to fighting the evil that Cavendich represents. To this end, John Reid becomes the great masked western hero, The Lone Ranger. With the help of Tonto, the pair go to rescue President Grant when Cavendich takes him hostage.