Die letzte Nacht der Titanic
Roy Ward BakerSchauspieler:
Kenneth More, Ronald Allen, Robert Ayres, Honor Blackman, Anthony Bushell, John Cairney, Jill Dixon, Jane Downs, James Dyrenforth, Michael Goodliffe, Kenneth Griffith, Harriette Johns, Frank Lawton, Richard Leech, David McCallum, George RoseAm 14. April 1912 rammt die vermeintlich unsinkbare Titanic auf ihrer Jungfernfahrt kurz vor Mitternacht einen Eisberg. In weniger als drei Stunden sinkt das gewaltige Schiff. An Bord entsteht eine Massenpanik. Um die wenigen Plätze auf den Rettungsbooten wird verzweifelt gekämpft. 1500 der 2000 Passagiere gehen mit der Titanic unter.
Penible Nachstellung der letzten drei Stunden an Bord der Titanic.
The sinking of the Titanic is presented in a highly realistic fashion in this tense British drama. The disaster is portrayed largely from the perspective of the ocean liner's second officer, Charles Lightoller. Despite numerous warnings about ice, the ship sails on, with Capt. Edward John Smith keeping it going at a steady clip. When the doomed vessel finally hits an iceberg, the crew and passengers discover that they lack enough lifeboats, and tragedy follows.
The sinking of the Titanic is presented in a highly realistic fashion in this tense British drama. The disaster is portrayed largely from the perspective of the ocean liner's second officer, Charles Lightoller. Despite numerous warnings about ice, the ship sails on, with Capt. Edward John Smith keeping it going at a steady clip. When the doomed vessel finally hits an iceberg, the crew and passengers discover that they lack enough lifeboats, and tragedy follows.