Die Letzte Offensive
Douglas HickoxSchauspieler:
Burt Lancaster, Denholm Elliott, Bob Hoskins, Peter O'Toole, John Mills, Nigel Davenport, Simon Ward, Phil Daniels, Peter Vaughan, Ronald Lacey, Ronald Pickup, Michael Jayston, David Bradley, Christopher Cazenove, James Faulkner, Paul CopleyIm Jahr 1879 streben die britischen Kolonialherren Sir Henry Bartle Frere und Lord Chelmsford in der südafrikanischen Provinz Natal eine Vergrößerung ihres Machtgebiets an. Sie stellen dem König des benachbarten Zululandes ein Ultimatum, um einen Grund für den kurz darauf erfolgenden Einmarsch zu haben. Doch König Cetshwayo erweist sich als geschickter Stratege, der das britische Heer zunächst gewähren lässt, um es dann von einer Übermacht seiner Krieger vernichten zu lassen.
Fünfzehn Jahre nach dem noch relativ westlich geprägten "Zulu" entstandenes Prequel, das - nicht zuletzt unter dem Eindruck des Vietnam-Krieges - die kolonialistischen Aktivitäten als Ausdruck von Macht- und Besitzstreben präsentiert.
In 1879, the British suffer a great loss at the Battle of Isandlwana due to incompetent leadership. Cy Endfield co-wrote the epic prequel Zulu Dawn 15 years after his enormously popular Zulu. Set in 1879, this film depicts the catastrophic Battle of Isandhlwana, which remains the worst defeat of the British army by natives, with the British contingent outnumbered 16-to-1 by the Zulu tribesmen. The film's opinion of events is made immediately clear in its title sequence: ebullient African village life presided over by King Cetshwayo is contrasted with aristocratic artifice under the arrogant eye of General Lord Chelmsford (Peter O'Toole). Chelmsford is at the heart of all that goes wrong, initiating the catastrophic battle with an ultimatum made seemingly for the sake of giving his troops something to do. His detached manner leads to one mistake after another.
In 1879, the British suffer a great loss at the Battle of Isandlwana due to incompetent leadership. Cy Endfield co-wrote the epic prequel Zulu Dawn 15 years after his enormously popular Zulu. Set in 1879, this film depicts the catastrophic Battle of Isandhlwana, which remains the worst defeat of the British army by natives, with the British contingent outnumbered 16-to-1 by the Zulu tribesmen. The film's opinion of events is made immediately clear in its title sequence: ebullient African village life presided over by King Cetshwayo is contrasted with aristocratic artifice under the arrogant eye of General Lord Chelmsford (Peter O'Toole). Chelmsford is at the heart of all that goes wrong, initiating the catastrophic battle with an ultimatum made seemingly for the sake of giving his troops something to do. His detached manner leads to one mistake after another.