Die Lügen der Sieger
Christoph HochhäuslerSchauspieler:
Florian David Fitz, David C. Bunners, Horst Kotterba, Lilith StangenbergDer Journalist Fabian Groys ist mit seiner Praktikantin und einem wichtigen Informanten einer heißen Sache auf der Spur, bei der die Bundeswehr im Visier steht. Als sein Informant ihn verlässt, kann er diese Story nicht weiter verfolgen, daher macht er sich daran, eine Geschichte um Giftmüll zu recherchieren. Bei seiner Arbeit bekommt er mehr und mehr den Verdacht, dass die beiden Geschichten irgendwie zusammenhängen könnten.
Fabian Groys, a renowned journalist for a political news magazine, enjoys great freedom, since the stories he uncovers make for good sales. When he loses a hot story about the German army, the editor saddles him with a young female intern. Fabian hates teamwork and sticks the intern with what seems a classic tabloid story about the suicide of a man who had himself torn to shreds by a lion at the zoo. But thanks to the intern’s dogged determination, signs emerge that the story Fabian was working on and the gory zoo story are actually interlinked. Is it pure coincidence? And if it isn’t, how can Fabian fight a nebulous enemy?
Fabian Groys, a renowned journalist for a political news magazine, enjoys great freedom, since the stories he uncovers make for good sales. When he loses a hot story about the German army, the editor saddles him with a young female intern. Fabian hates teamwork and sticks the intern with what seems a classic tabloid story about the suicide of a man who had himself torn to shreds by a lion at the zoo. But thanks to the intern’s dogged determination, signs emerge that the story Fabian was working on and the gory zoo story are actually interlinked. Is it pure coincidence? And if it isn’t, how can Fabian fight a nebulous enemy?