Die Neunte
Nikolay KhomerikiSchauspieler:
Yevgeni Tsyganov, Daisy Head, Dmitry Lysenkov, Yuri Kolokolnikov, Jonathan Salway, Evgeniy Tkachuk, Igor Chernevich, Ivan Reshetnyak, Maksim Al-Names, Mariya Skuratova, Anna Khristich, Olga Odintsova, Vilen Babichev, Maksim Titov, Dmitriy Podnozov, Andrey BlagoslovenskiyIm Sankt Petersburg des 19. Jahrhunderts führt die berühmte Britin Olivia Reed (Daisy Head) magische Seancen und beliebte spiritistische Events durch. Ihr Ruf als erfahrene Hellseherin macht den Polizisten Colonel Rostov auf sie aufmerksam. Rostov untersucht gleichzeitig brutale Ritualmorde in der ganzen Stadt, die scheinbar als Geisterbeschwörungen oder Totenerweckungen dienen sollen. Acht junge Frauen sind dem wahnsinnigen Serienkiller bereits zum Opfer gefallen. Olivias Vater Jack hat dabei erst kürzlich einen Roman über einen sehr ähnlichen amerikanischen Serienmörder beendet. Rostov glaubt, dass der russische Killer diesen als Vorbild genommen hat, um die Morde zu kopieren und seine Voarbeit zu beenden. Gerade als Olivia mit Rostov zu kooperieren beginnt, entscheidet der Mörder, dass es noch ein neuntes Opfer geben soll - Olivia selbst. Doch was steckt wirklich hinter der ganzen Verschwörung?
Petersburg at the end of the 19th century was embraced by a massive enthusiasm for the occult sciences and esotericism. British medium Olivia Reed arrives in the capital of the Russian Empire on tour and gathers crowds of people at her public spiritualistic sessions. At this time, a series of ritual mysterious murders takes place in the city. Girls are abducted on the streets, their mutilated bodies are found in various parts of the city. The investigation is carried out by a young police officer Rostov and his assistant Ganin. With each new victim, things are becoming more confused. Suspicion leads Rostov to Olivia, and he decides to turn to her in the hope that her genuine or imaginary ability to summon the spirits of the dead can help to get on the trail of the killer.
Petersburg at the end of the 19th century was embraced by a massive enthusiasm for the occult sciences and esotericism. British medium Olivia Reed arrives in the capital of the Russian Empire on tour and gathers crowds of people at her public spiritualistic sessions. At this time, a series of ritual mysterious murders takes place in the city. Girls are abducted on the streets, their mutilated bodies are found in various parts of the city. The investigation is carried out by a young police officer Rostov and his assistant Ganin. With each new victim, things are becoming more confused. Suspicion leads Rostov to Olivia, and he decides to turn to her in the hope that her genuine or imaginary ability to summon the spirits of the dead can help to get on the trail of the killer.