Die Noobs - Klein aber gemein
John SchultzSchauspieler:
Carter Jenkins, Austin Butler, Kevin Nealon, Robert Hoffman, Doris Roberts, Tim Meadows, Ashley Boettcher, Henri Young, Regan Young, Ashley Tisdale, Malese Jow, Gillian Vigman, Andy Richter, Maggie VandenBerghe, J.K. Simmons, Josh PeckFamilie Pearson will eigentlich nur einen ruhigen Urlaub in Maine verbringen. Doch kurz nachdem sie in dem scheinbar idyllischen Ferienhaus ankommen, müssen sie feststellen, dass es bereits besetzt ist. Kleine seltsame Außerirdische beherrschen den Dachboden. Sie waren zuerst da und sehen es gar nicht ein, das Feld zu räumen. Auch wenn eines der Wesen sich freundlich gibt - der Rest ist es nicht. Und so liegt es an den Kindern Art und Lee, das Domizil mit vereinten Kräften zu verteidigen, denn die kleinen Monster drohen damit, die ganze Welt zu zerstören.
It's summer vacation, but the Pearson family kids are stuck at a boring lake house with their nerdy parents. That is until feisty, little, green aliens crash-land on the roof, with plans to conquer the house AND Earth! Using only their wits, courage and video game-playing skills, the youngsters must band together to defeat the aliens and save the world - but the toughest part might be keeping the whole thing a secret from their parents! Featuring an all-star cast including Ashley Tisdale, Andy Richter, Kevin Nealon, Tim Meadows and Doris Roberts, Aliens In The Attic is the most fun you can have on this planet!
It's summer vacation, but the Pearson family kids are stuck at a boring lake house with their nerdy parents. That is until feisty, little, green aliens crash-land on the roof, with plans to conquer the house AND Earth! Using only their wits, courage and video game-playing skills, the youngsters must band together to defeat the aliens and save the world - but the toughest part might be keeping the whole thing a secret from their parents! Featuring an all-star cast including Ashley Tisdale, Andy Richter, Kevin Nealon, Tim Meadows and Doris Roberts, Aliens In The Attic is the most fun you can have on this planet!