Die Praktikantin - Ein Sommer voller Lust
Erika LustSchauspieler:
Lena Anderson, Casey Calvert, Michael Vegas, Kali Sudhra, Bishop Black, Paulita PappelDie junge Amerikanerin Paisley fliegt nach Barcelona, um ihre jüngere Schwester Maddie aufzuspüren. Diese reiste ebenfalls vor vier Monaten in die katalanische Metropole, um als Praktikantin bei der berühmten Erotik-Regisseurin Erika Lust zu arbeiten. Doch plötzlich verschwand Maddie spurlos. Wurde sie entführt? Paisley verfolgt die Spuren ihrer Schwester und erkennt, dass diese in ein höchst erotisches Abenteuer geschlittert war. Sollte die einstmals so schüchterne und prüde Maddie ein heimliches sexuelles Verlangen gestillt haben? Maddies Mitbewohner Michael und auch ihre Arbeitskolleginnen scheinen jedenfalls mehr zu wissen, als sie zunächst zugeben wollen. Sehr bald wird auch Paisley bei ihren detektivischen Ermittlungen mit sinnlichen Versuchungen konfrontiert, denen sie nicht widerstehen kann.
The story of Maddie who leaves her hometown in the United States for the sensual streets of Barcelona to seize the opportunity to do an internship for erotic filmmaker Erika Lust. At first, she is overwhelmed by her new life and her new job, the new experiences and people she's being confronted with. But soon, sparked by her dreamy roommate Michael and her new friends, the shy All-American girl experiences a sexual awakening she could have never imagined in her wildest dreams. Meanwhile, her sister Paisely is worried about her disappearance and makes it her mission to find her. Will Paisley succeed or will she be lured into the heat of a European summer? This is a tale of sexual awakenings, erotic desire, curiosity and pleasure; this is a summer of Lust.
The story of Maddie who leaves her hometown in the United States for the sensual streets of Barcelona to seize the opportunity to do an internship for erotic filmmaker Erika Lust. At first, she is overwhelmed by her new life and her new job, the new experiences and people she's being confronted with. But soon, sparked by her dreamy roommate Michael and her new friends, the shy All-American girl experiences a sexual awakening she could have never imagined in her wildest dreams. Meanwhile, her sister Paisely is worried about her disappearance and makes it her mission to find her. Will Paisley succeed or will she be lured into the heat of a European summer? This is a tale of sexual awakenings, erotic desire, curiosity and pleasure; this is a summer of Lust.