Die Rache der Königskobra
Thanadol NualsuthSchauspieler:
Apinya Sakuljaroensuk, Thanatorn Oudsahakul, Akara Amarttayakul, Parichat Asadornteptai, Chaiwat Boonsungnuern, Peerawit Bunnag, Vasana Chalakorn, Vilipda Chandara, Nichapat Charurattanawaree, Chawwadee Chernok, Warapat Jitkaew, Natee Kehama, Kanokphon Nunsatitanon, Sukol Pongsathat, Maytika PuttavibulEinst wurde die Neubausiedlung rücksichtslos in die Natur draußen vor der großen Stadt gepflanzt, jetzt schlägt die Natur zurück. Hunderte von aggressiven Giftschlangen sammeln sich wie von Geisterhand gesteuert um und in dem Hochhauskomplex, um erst sporadisch einzeln und schließlich mit wahrer Kompaniestärke die Menschen zu attackieren. Unter anderem müssen eine probende Rockband, drei Nerds auf Spannertour, ein fremdgehender Ehemann und ein frisch verliebter Feuerwehrmann den Schlamassel ausbaden.
Thailändische Filmemacher haben dem Treiben von Syfy und Asylum lange tatenlos zugesehen, nun wird zurück geschossen mit Tieren, Teenies und genau so schrillen CGI-Looney-Toons wie dorten. Menschen fliehen durch Ganglabyrinthe im Flackerlicht, fauchende Schlangen springen meterhoch, und Frauen sind zum Kreischen da in einem effektvollen und actiongeladenen, aber auch veritabel naiven Horrorfilm, der sich (im Gegensatz zu Syfy & Co) trotzdem todernst nimmt.
In 1983 before the giant Suvarnabhumi international airport was built, the neglected and unoccupied area was called "King Cobra Swamp" by the locals. As building commenced, a huge old Banyan tree blocked the constructions path. A work crew call in a mechanical digger to remove the tree. As the roots are torn from the ground 1000s of cobra bones explode from the earth tearing them to pieces. After the passing of the grim massacre, witnesses who survived tell strange stories about and evil Cobra spirit. Years later when a new apartment block was built on the ground, Nin, the buildings owner has to face the horrifying matter when hundreds of Cobra hell bent on killing every living person in the apartment appear. People believe that again it is the vengeance of the Spirit. How will they survive, when being hunted by vengeance without mercy?
In 1983 before the giant Suvarnabhumi international airport was built, the neglected and unoccupied area was called "King Cobra Swamp" by the locals. As building commenced, a huge old Banyan tree blocked the constructions path. A work crew call in a mechanical digger to remove the tree. As the roots are torn from the ground 1000s of cobra bones explode from the earth tearing them to pieces. After the passing of the grim massacre, witnesses who survived tell strange stories about and evil Cobra spirit. Years later when a new apartment block was built on the ground, Nin, the buildings owner has to face the horrifying matter when hundreds of Cobra hell bent on killing every living person in the apartment appear. People believe that again it is the vengeance of the Spirit. How will they survive, when being hunted by vengeance without mercy?