Die Regeln der Gewalt
Scott FrankSchauspieler:
Jeff Daniels, Isla Fisher, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Carla Gugino, Matthew Goode, Bruce McGill, Sergio Di Zio, Alex Borstein, Laura Vandervoort, Alberta Watson, David Huband, Greg Dunham, Morgan Kelly, Aaron Berg, Tinsel KoreyVor einigen Jahren standen Chris Pratt (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) als Star der Schulhockeymannschaft alle Türen offen. Bis er einen Autounfall verschuldete, bei dem zwei seiner besten Freunde ums Leben kamen und er selbst einen schweren Hirnschaden davon trug. Nun muss er täglich in Therapie, kann sich die einfachsten Dinge nicht merken, lebt bei seinem blinden Kumpel Lewis (Jeff Daniels) und arbeitet als Nachtwächter in einer Bank. Das wollen sich Gary (Matthew Goode) und Luvlee (Isla Fisher) für einen Raubzug zu Nutze machen.
Ein geistig Behinderter in einem finsteren Spiel erinnert an "Memento", aber dieser subtile, toll besetzte und gespielte Film Noir geht seinen ganz eigenen Weg. Die Vorbereitungen auf den brutalen Bankraub fördern die Spannung, die Tragik der Hauptfigur emotionale Nähe.
An admired high school hockey player with a bright future foolishly takes a drive in the night with his girlfriend and two other friends with his headlights off with devastating results. The former athlete is left with a brain injury that prevents him from remembering many things for extended periods of time. To compensate, he keeps notes in a small notebook to aid him in remembering what he is to do. He also lives with a blind friend who aids him. Obviously, with the mental incapacitation, he is unable to have meaningful work. Thus he works as a night cleaning man in a bank. It is there he comes under the scrutiny of a gang planning to rob the bank. The leader befriends him and gets him involved with a young woman who further reels him in. After they get close and after reeling him in with his own failures, the bank plan unfolds. Confused but wanting to escape his current existence, he initially goes along with the scheme. After realizing he is being used, he attempts to stop the ...
An admired high school hockey player with a bright future foolishly takes a drive in the night with his girlfriend and two other friends with his headlights off with devastating results. The former athlete is left with a brain injury that prevents him from remembering many things for extended periods of time. To compensate, he keeps notes in a small notebook to aid him in remembering what he is to do. He also lives with a blind friend who aids him. Obviously, with the mental incapacitation, he is unable to have meaningful work. Thus he works as a night cleaning man in a bank. It is there he comes under the scrutiny of a gang planning to rob the bank. The leader befriends him and gets him involved with a young woman who further reels him in. After they get close and after reeling him in with his own failures, the bank plan unfolds. Confused but wanting to escape his current existence, he initially goes along with the scheme. After realizing he is being used, he attempts to stop the ...