Die romantische Engländerin
Joseph LoseySchauspieler:
Glenda Jackson, Michael Caine, Helmut Berger, Michael Lonsdale, Béatrice Romand, Kate Nelligan, Nathalie Delon, Reinhard Kolldehoff, Marcus Richardson, Anna Steele, Julie Peasgood, Frankie Jordan, Tom Chatto, Frances Tomelty, Lillias Walker, Doris NolanWenn unzufriedene Ehefrauen allein in Urlaub fahren, machen sich ihre Männer oft Gedanken ob der Treue ihrer Gattinnen. So auch der englische Autor Lewis Fielding, dessen Frau Elizabeth auf ihrem Wellness-Trip in Baden-Baden den charmanten Taugenichts Thomas kennenlernt. Um herauszufinden, ob sich zwischen den beiden etwas abgespielt hat, lädt Fielding kurzerhand den Filou zu sich nach Hause ein. Gnadenlos demütigt er den vermeintlichen Liebhaber seiner Frau; aber dieser weiß durchaus Wege, sich zu revanchieren.
What is real and what is fiction? Faced with writer's block with his novel, Lewis Fielding turns to a film script about a woman finding herself after his wife Elizabeth returns from Baden Baden. She didn't quite find herself there but had a brief encounter in a lift with a German who says he is a poet. Now the German is in England, gets himself invited to tea where he claims he admires Fielding's books. Which one does he like the best? "Tom Jones." Amused at being confused with the other Fielding, the novelist works the German into the plot.
What is real and what is fiction? Faced with writer's block with his novel, Lewis Fielding turns to a film script about a woman finding herself after his wife Elizabeth returns from Baden Baden. She didn't quite find herself there but had a brief encounter in a lift with a German who says he is a poet. Now the German is in England, gets himself invited to tea where he claims he admires Fielding's books. Which one does he like the best? "Tom Jones." Amused at being confused with the other Fielding, the novelist works the German into the plot.