Die Rückkehr des Gefürchteten
Mario CaianoSchauspieler:
Giuliano Gemma, Gordon Mitchell, Eleonora Bianchi, Elisa Montés, Eduardo Fajardo, Beni Deus, Lucio De Santis, Roberto Ceccacci, Aldo Pini, Fortunato Arena, Fedele Gentile, Franco MoriciErik, der Wikinger, von seinem im Kampf gefallenen Onkel zusammen mit dessen intrigantem Bruder Eyolf als neuer Stammesfürst eingesetzt, überquert unter größten Gefahren den Ozean Richtung Westen, um eine neue Heimat für sein Volk zu finden. Er ahnt nicht, dass der missgünstige Eyolf den bärenstarken Sven und dessen nicht minder hinterhältigen Kumpan Olaf engagiert hat, ihn zu töten. Schon während der langen und gefährlichen Überquerung des Pazifiks gen Westen, wo Erik eine Neue Welt vermutet, versuchen sie, ihren schmutzigen Auftrag zu erfüllen. Doch der schlaue Grieche Agropolis verhindert die böse Tat.
Viking chief Thorvald dies from a mortal combat wound. He realizes his son Erloff is not a worthy successor, but his will divides his property equally between him and Erik, the valiant son of his sister, who also gets his weapons and the mission to lead a sea-faring expedition to find new land for a settlement, crucial as their Scandinavian home village won't be able to resist the might of the Danish kingdom.
Viking chief Thorvald dies from a mortal combat wound. He realizes his son Erloff is not a worthy successor, but his will divides his property equally between him and Erik, the valiant son of his sister, who also gets his weapons and the mission to lead a sea-faring expedition to find new land for a settlement, crucial as their Scandinavian home village won't be able to resist the might of the Danish kingdom.