Die Schneekönigin 3 - Feuer und Eis
Aleksey TsitsilinSchauspieler:
Natalya Bystrova, Filipp Lebedev, Diomid Vinogradov, Aleksandr GruzdevEinem aufregenden Abenteuer ist die mutige Gerda nie abgeneigt. Deshalb fällt es dem netten Jungen Rollan auch nicht besonders schwer, sie zur Suche nach dem Wunschstein der Trolle zu überreden. Viele Hindernisse sind dabei zu überwinden. Gerdas großer Traum ist die Rückkehr ihrer Eltern. Denn sie konnte zwar ihren Bruder aus dem Bann der Schneekönigin befreien, aber ihre Eltern bleiben verschwunden. Nichts wünscht sich Gerda mehr, als wieder eine richtige Familie zu sein. Aber dieses Abenteuer birgt Gefahren, die sie allein nicht beherrschen kann. Eine Katastrophe bedroht das ganze Troll-Land.
After heroically defeating both the Snow Queen and the Snow King, Gerda still cannot find peace. Her dream is to find her parents who were once taken away from them by the North Wind and finally reunite the family. Thus, Gerda and her friends embark on an exiting journey to find her parents and encounter new challenges along the way: they discover an ancient magical artifact of the trolls, the Stone of Fire and Ice. From that moment on, things don't go according to the initial plan...Will Gerda be able to tame the mighty forces of the magical elements and get her family back? The answer will be reveled in 2016. This is a story which encompasses everything you love about Wizart: kindness, bravery, friendship, mystery, love of one's family, and a happy ending, of course!
After heroically defeating both the Snow Queen and the Snow King, Gerda still cannot find peace. Her dream is to find her parents who were once taken away from them by the North Wind and finally reunite the family. Thus, Gerda and her friends embark on an exiting journey to find her parents and encounter new challenges along the way: they discover an ancient magical artifact of the trolls, the Stone of Fire and Ice. From that moment on, things don't go according to the initial plan...Will Gerda be able to tame the mighty forces of the magical elements and get her family back? The answer will be reveled in 2016. This is a story which encompasses everything you love about Wizart: kindness, bravery, friendship, mystery, love of one's family, and a happy ending, of course!