Die seltsame Liebe der Martha Ivers
Lewis MilestoneSchauspieler:
Barbara Stanwyck, Van Heflin, Lizabeth Scott, Kirk Douglas, Judith Anderson, James Flavin, Charles D. Brown, Kernan Cripps, Blake Edwards, Betty Hill, Robert Homans, Olin Howland, Roman Bohnen, Darryl Hickman, Janis Wilson, Ann DoranDie US-Kleinstadt Iverstown, 1928: Martha, von ihrer wohlhabenden, dominanten Tante adoptiert, freundet sich mit Herumtreiber Sam an. In einer Unwetter-Nacht sind Walter und sein Vater zu Gast im Haus. Aus finanziellen Erwägungen soll der Sohn Martha ehelichen. Walter wird Zeuge, wie sie die Tante die Treppe hinunter in den Tod stürzt. Dem Ziel nah, decken er und sein Vater Martha, die die Tat einem anderen anhängt, der dafür am Strang endet. 20 Jahre später taucht Sam wieder in Iverstown auf.
Klassisches US-Film-Noir-Drama um sich auftuende menschliche Abgründe.
Young Martha inadvertently causes the death of her cruel, authoritarian aunt. Martha lies to the cops, and Walter, who saw the crime, corroborates the girl's story. Eventually, they wed out of convenience; the meek Walter is genuinely in love, and Martha thinks that her secret is safe since she has married the one witness to her aunt's death. However, when her childhood pal, Sam, shows up, Martha knows her dark past may not stay a secret for long.
Young Martha inadvertently causes the death of her cruel, authoritarian aunt. Martha lies to the cops, and Walter, who saw the crime, corroborates the girl's story. Eventually, they wed out of convenience; the meek Walter is genuinely in love, and Martha thinks that her secret is safe since she has married the one witness to her aunt's death. However, when her childhood pal, Sam, shows up, Martha knows her dark past may not stay a secret for long.