Die Somme - Das Grab der Millionen
Heinz PaulSchauspieler:
Walter Edthofer, Oscar Marion, Hermine Sterler, Hans TostIm Ersten Weltkrieg, beim Aufeinandertreffen der deutschen, britischen und französischen Front, unweit des Flusses Somme: Früh am Morgen des 24. Juni 1916 eröffnen die Alliierten das Feuer auf die deutschen Truppen. Ziel ist es, die Grenzlinie der Deutschen zu zerstören. Nach stundenlanger Bombardierung machen die Alliierten einen großen Fehler: In der Annahme, die Deutschen vernichtend geschlagen zu haben, rücken Briten und Franzosen ohne Deckung in Richtung Grenzlinie vor. Sie ahnen nicht, dass die meisten Soldaten das Bombardement in den Bunkern im Erdreich überlebt haben. Die Schlacht an der Somme geht als verheerendster Kampf des Ersten Weltkriegs in die Geschichte ein. Noch heute sind die Bombenkrater zu sehen; zum Einsatz kam neben Geschützen und Granaten auch Giftgas. So schaufelt der Krieg an der Somme das "Grab der Millionen".
The Somme (also: The Tomb of the Millions) is the title of a silent documentary drama that Heinz Paul realized in 1930 for the Cando-Film Berlin based on his own script. Paul supplemented scenes with German actors with documentary footage from archive material of German, French and English origin. - Twelve years after the end of the First World War, Heinz Paul records the battle of the Somme in 1916 with original recordings, with over one million dead, the most lossy battle of the war. The archive images are supplemented by game scenes of a German mother who loses her three sons and by trailing front scenes. The Battle of the Somme, in which Allied troops bombarded the German front line, resulted in a months-long war of position. In documentary style, the film shows scenes of the most devastating battle of the First World War. It is narrated from the perspective of a mother who loses her three sons in battle.
The Somme (also: The Tomb of the Millions) is the title of a silent documentary drama that Heinz Paul realized in 1930 for the Cando-Film Berlin based on his own script. Paul supplemented scenes with German actors with documentary footage from archive material of German, French and English origin. - Twelve years after the end of the First World War, Heinz Paul records the battle of the Somme in 1916 with original recordings, with over one million dead, the most lossy battle of the war. The archive images are supplemented by game scenes of a German mother who loses her three sons and by trailing front scenes. The Battle of the Somme, in which Allied troops bombarded the German front line, resulted in a months-long war of position. In documentary style, the film shows scenes of the most devastating battle of the First World War. It is narrated from the perspective of a mother who loses her three sons in battle.