Die unendliche Geschichte
Wolfgang PetersenSchauspieler:
Deep Roy, Gerald McRaney, Tilo Prückner, Sydney Bromley, Patricia Hayes, Moses Gunn, Alan Oppenheimer, Thomas Hill, Barret Oliver, Chris Eastman, Darryl Cooksey, Nicholas Gilbert, Noah Hathaway, Tami StronachDas Zauberland Phantasién wir von einer unheilvollen Kraft, dem "Nichts", bedroht. Der Eingeborenenjunge Atreju soll ausziehen, um der Kindlichen Kaiserin gegen die unheilvolle Kraft beizustehen. Auf Erden liest zufälligerweise der einsame kleine Bastian in einem mysteriösen Buch, das er aus einem Antiquitätenladen gemopst hat, genau diese Ereignisse und wird in die "Unendliche Geschichte" hineingezogen und zum Bestandteil der Handlung.
Bastian is a young boy who lives a dreary life being tormented by school bullies. On one such occasion he escapes into a book shop where the old proprieter reveals an ancient story-book to him, which he is warned can be dangerous. Shortly after, he "borrows" the book and begins to read it in the school attic where he is drawn into the mythical land of Fantasia, which desperately needs a hero to save it from destruction.
Bastian is a young boy who lives a dreary life being tormented by school bullies. On one such occasion he escapes into a book shop where the old proprieter reveals an ancient story-book to him, which he is warned can be dangerous. Shortly after, he "borrows" the book and begins to read it in the school attic where he is drawn into the mythical land of Fantasia, which desperately needs a hero to save it from destruction.