Die unsichtbaren Krallen des Dr. Mabuse
Harald ReinlSchauspieler:
Lex Barker, Karin Dor, Werner Peters, Siegfried Lowitz, Walo Lüönd, Wolfgang Preiss, Kurd Pieritz, Rudolf Fernau, Hans Schwarz Jr., Walter Bluhm, Alain Dijon, Heinrich Gies, Carl de Vogt, Zeev Berlinsky, Gert Günther Hoffmann, Georg ThomallaDr. Mabuse hat einen Weg gefunden sich und seine Bande unsichtbar zu machen. Eine Spur führt den ermittelnden Kommissar in ein Theater. Diese brachte seinem Vorgänger den Tod. Als der Kommissar die Pläne Mabuses erkennt, greift er zu ungewöhnlichen Maßnahmen.
Strange things happen in a revue theatre. The dancer Maria seems to be hunted by an invisible admirer. When the body of a probable FBI agent is found in a trunk the police asks FBI man Joe Como for help. Como gets interested in the revue theatre and an ominous transport firm soon. When he is receiving mysterious threatening letters he is sure that Dr. Mabuse has risen again. But what is going on at "Enterprise X" so that both the goverment and the mad genius in crime are interested in it?
Strange things happen in a revue theatre. The dancer Maria seems to be hunted by an invisible admirer. When the body of a probable FBI agent is found in a trunk the police asks FBI man Joe Como for help. Como gets interested in the revue theatre and an ominous transport firm soon. When he is receiving mysterious threatening letters he is sure that Dr. Mabuse has risen again. But what is going on at "Enterprise X" so that both the goverment and the mad genius in crime are interested in it?