Die weiße Massai
Hermine HuntgeburthSchauspieler:
Nina Hoss, Jacky Ido, Katja Flint, Antonio Prester, Janek Rieke, Helen Namaso Lenamarken, Nicolas Sironka, Damaris Itenyo Agweyu, Barbara Magdalena Ahren, Robert Dölle, Barbara Herschbach, Morgan Lematampash, Kiriniyaga Lenamatiyo, Christine Namkuny, John ErickCarola (Nina Hoss) verliebt sich im Urlaub in Kenia in den attraktiven Massai-Krieger Lemalian (Jacky Ido) und verlässt zu seinen Gunsten ihren Freund Stefan (Janek Rieke), um fortan als Afrikanerin unter Afrikanern zu leben. Während Stefan zurück nach Europa jettet und die Familie daheim völlig ausflippt, muss Carola lernen, dass ein Leben im Busch zwischen fremden Regeln, begrenzter medizinischer Versorgung und einer korrupten Obrigkeit besonders für eine Schwangere nicht gerade ein Zuckerschlecken ist. Als sie dann auch noch berufliche Verwirklichung anstrebt, ist Lemalians Stolz restlos gekränkt.
Frei nach dem gleichnamigen Bestseller inszenierte Hermine Huntgeburth ("Das Trio") diesen romantischen Culture Clash an Originalschauplätzen in Ostafrika.
A girl, Carola, whose vacation in Kenya takes an interesting turn when she becomes infatuated with a Masai. Carola decides to leave her boyfriend to stay with her lover. There, she has to adapt to the Masai's way of life and get used to their food which includes milk mixed with blood. She also has to face her husband's attitude towards women and what he expects from a wife. Nonetheless, Carola is welcomed warmly into the tribe she has chosen to join.
A girl, Carola, whose vacation in Kenya takes an interesting turn when she becomes infatuated with a Masai. Carola decides to leave her boyfriend to stay with her lover. There, she has to adapt to the Masai's way of life and get used to their food which includes milk mixed with blood. She also has to face her husband's attitude towards women and what he expects from a wife. Nonetheless, Carola is welcomed warmly into the tribe she has chosen to join.