Die Wunderwelt der Gebrüder Grimm
George Pal, Henry LevinSchauspieler:
Laurence Harvey, Karlheinz Böhm, Claire Bloom, Walter Slezak, Barbara Eden, Oskar Homolka, Arnold Stang, Martita Hunt, Betty Garde, Bryan Russell, Ian Wolfe, Tammy Marihugh, Cheerio Meredith, Walter Rilla, Yvette Mimieux, Russ TamblynErzählt wird die Geschichte der beliebtesten Märchenerzähler aller Zeiten: der Gebrüder Grimm. In die an Originalschauplätzen in Deutschland gedrehte Geschichte der ungleichen Brüder wurden mehrere wunderschöne Märchenepisoden eingefügt. Phantastisches Märchenabenteuer mit viel Humor.
The Grimm brothers Wilhelm and Jacob, known for their literary works in the nineteenth century, have their lives dramatized. Wilhelm fights to write something entertaining amongst the sea of dry, non-fiction books they write and he sets about collecting oral-tradition fairy tales to put into print. Their life story is countered with reenactments of three of their stories including "The Dancing Princess," "The Cobbler and the Elves" and "The Singing Bone."
The Grimm brothers Wilhelm and Jacob, known for their literary works in the nineteenth century, have their lives dramatized. Wilhelm fights to write something entertaining amongst the sea of dry, non-fiction books they write and he sets about collecting oral-tradition fairy tales to put into print. Their life story is countered with reenactments of three of their stories including "The Dancing Princess," "The Cobbler and the Elves" and "The Singing Bone."