Diener des Bösen
Ted NicolaouSchauspieler:
Anders Hove, Angus Scrimm, Laura Mae Tate, Irina Movilă, Michelle McBride, Ivan J. Rado, Mara Grigore, Adrian Vâlcu, Michael Watson, Lili Dumitrescu, Ion BesoiuDie Studentinnen Michelle und Lilian reisen nach Transsylvanien, um dort Nachforschungen für ihre Examensarbeit über Vampire anzustellen.
Sie übernachten in der berüchtigten Burg des Grafen Dracula.
Ganz in der Nähe befindet sich eine verfallene Burgruine, wo der Vampir Raduh und seine Helfer ihr Unwesen treiben.
Die Mädchen werden durch die Kreaturen der Hölle in einen Strudel von Blut und Gewalt gerissen.
The evil vampire villain Radu returns to his hometown of Prejnar, after spending years in exile. He steals the precious blood stone which is said to be bleeding from all saints, from his father and kills him. Meanwhile two American schoolgirls team up with a local girl for a work on Romanian culture. Radu becomes attracted to them but runs into trouble when his brother Stephan helps the girls.
The evil vampire villain Radu returns to his hometown of Prejnar, after spending years in exile. He steals the precious blood stone which is said to be bleeding from all saints, from his father and kills him. Meanwhile two American schoolgirls team up with a local girl for a work on Romanian culture. Radu becomes attracted to them but runs into trouble when his brother Stephan helps the girls.