Django - Ein Dollar für den Tod
Gene QuintanoSchauspieler:
Emilio Estevez, William Forsythe, Jordi Mollà, Joaquim de Almeida, Jonathan BanksDjango ist in der Stadt; und Django schießt, bevor er fragt. Das muss er auch, denn er hat den Sohn des Ranchers Reager getötet. Nun wird er von den Bluthunden des Ranchers gejagt.
Inzwischen haben sich Django und der Ex-Konföderierten-Soldat Dooley zusammengetan, um einen versteckten Goldschatz ausfindig zu machen. Mit Colby, den sie aus dem Gefängnis befreien, reiten sie los. In einer, von mexikanischen Soldaten terrorisierten, Stadt finden sie das sagenumwobene Gold. Es kommt zum großen Showdown zwischen Django, den Mexikanern und Reager, der hier den Mörder seines Sohnes stellt.
In this tribute to the old time spaghetti westerns with a liberal dose of modern Hong Kong film-making thrown in, Emilio Estevez assumes Clint Eastwood's "man with no name" role. Estevez plays a super-quick gunman on the run from a rancher (Long) and his men out to kill him for killing his son. The gunman gets mixed up with a former Confederate soldier (William Forsythe) who has knowledge of hidden gold. The only trouble is he is also pursued by Union soldiers. When they free a man (Ed Lauter) with part of the map to the gold, they then are also pursued by Spanish soldiers. It all leads to a small Mexican town terrorized by soldiers and led a by a good priest (Joaquim De Almeida) who also has knowledge of the gold.
In this tribute to the old time spaghetti westerns with a liberal dose of modern Hong Kong film-making thrown in, Emilio Estevez assumes Clint Eastwood's "man with no name" role. Estevez plays a super-quick gunman on the run from a rancher (Long) and his men out to kill him for killing his son. The gunman gets mixed up with a former Confederate soldier (William Forsythe) who has knowledge of hidden gold. The only trouble is he is also pursued by Union soldiers. When they free a man (Ed Lauter) with part of the map to the gold, they then are also pursued by Spanish soldiers. It all leads to a small Mexican town terrorized by soldiers and led a by a good priest (Joaquim De Almeida) who also has knowledge of the gold.