Django - Schwarzer Gott des Todes
Giovanni GrimaldiSchauspieler:
Robert Woods, Elga Andersen, Franco Lantieri, Jane TildenEin Maskierter rächt den Tod seines Vaters an skrupellosen Schurken und schafft ein kleines Paradies für arme Farmer.
Starblack is a hero who dresses in black and his face is covered by a black scarf and he carries in his shirt a black star, which he always leaves at the scene of his enterprises, as a symbol of justice. Soucre: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net
Starblack is a hero who dresses in black and his face is covered by a black scarf and he carries in his shirt a black star, which he always leaves at the scene of his enterprises, as a symbol of justice. Soucre: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net